Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Shut your (or my) pie-hole!

I lost a FB friend recently. I went to look one day for recent posts from this person and was shocked to find that she was no longer my friend. This has happened to me a few probably has happened to many people. Yet this wasn't some random person I went to school with that I had reconnected with on social media after 15 years. This was a person I considered one of my closest friends. We had stayed in touch after high school, even though we were half a world away. She celebrated so many things with me and my family...birthdays, weddings, etc. She was one of the first people I called when I gave birth to each of my children. I'm not sure the reason this happened (I can't get a response from her), but I am assuming that it had to do with political or religious reasons. See, my friend and I were once very much alike - "free" thinking hippie-types that were pretty socially and politically liberal. If you know me, then you know I am no longer of that mindset. Having Christ in my life not only changed my way of thinking in such matters, but has changed every fiber of my being. Some people don't like that. Some people disagree with me and dismiss it. Or me.

I usually regard these parting of ways as a thing Christians have to deal with. I mean the Bible tells us we will be persecuted, after all (2 Tim 3:12). But this time I felt hurt deep down. As lay in bed the other night, crying about the situation; I prayed to God, asking why and how I am driving people away. His answer was that it wasn't me driving people away, it was people running from Him. I tried to figure out what I can do to help win people to Christ. This is what the Lord gave me:

Exodus 14:14 The Lord will fight for you, and you only have to be silent.

Hmph. Here Moses was telling the Israelites to stop freaking out; that the Lord would save them if only they trusted and shut up. I think this is the problem we, as Christians, have a lot of times. We get so bent on righting every wrong in this world that sometimes we rage about things we will never be able to change. My fantastic Sunday School teacher said last week that the Bible does not call the church to fix every wrong in the world. Kinda of a new concept when the church has so many crusaders. But as I lay there, praying to God, I finally got it.  We think a certain way about things because we know the love of Christ. The people we are trying to persuade mostly have no clue about Christ, faith or the Bible. We are preaching to people who look at us as if we have two heads and are speaking Martian. They will never get it.

They will, however, understand the love of Christ if that is what we show them. And once they know the love of Christ, all those other social and political issues - abortion, gay marriage, etc. (take your pick) - will follow as they grow and learn what the Bible says. So I've discovered that our crusading should not be to change the world, but to help be an example to change peoples hearts. The Holy Spirit works through us when we witness to others about the saving grace of God, not when we rant about political issues.

I am not saying that we shouldn't be vigilant about what happens in this country or the world. We should. We should know what is going on, we should be voting, we should be out there being activists. Activists in the sense that we are actually doing something about the injustices we see happening....not just ranting about it and re-posting photos or articles on social media. We're not winning in that respect.

So how do we go about this? We get out there and do. Do for others (volunteer to work with kids or the homeless or the hungry...whatever it is you feel led to do). And while you're doing, share with them how Christ changed you and your life. Share with them the fact that we all are sinners and fall short of the Glory of God. Share with them that there is an answer to this through the wonderful love of Jesus Christ. Bear witness to all the glorious things you have learned through the Bible.

This is how we will change the world.

I feel ashamed now that my "ex-friend" will probably no longer have a Godly influence on her life....I think perhaps I was one of her few Christian friends. Now what will happen, I don't know. I can only pray for her and her salvation.

But I also have to think about what might have happened if I had just shut up and let God do His work.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Why so insecure?

So, the Christmas season left me feeling rather lame. Most people who know my husband and I know that we are not huge fans of the commercialized Christmas, but since we have kids - we try. We decided to decorate early, get a REAL tree, go all out on the presents, etc. I myself decided I would handmake paper ornaments as gifts to our friends. As I sat on the floor, scraps of paper and glue gun residue all around me; my house a complete mess, the laundry piling up - I felt like a total loser. This was the same day I tried to say something helpful in the best way I knew how to somebody and got it all wrong. Add these things together, and I felt like a total failure.

This wasn't a new feeling for me. I beat myself up on a regular basis and turn it into a real pity party. When I get in these moods, everyone is against me and any little thing that's said is taken as an insult (you can ask my husband about these moods).

I'm shy around new people at church (which is a real downer when your husband is the Worship Leader), I tend to be a little crude when it comes to jokes, I'm too sarcastic, I talk too much once you get to know me, my van is always messy, I really stink at doing laundry, I don't remember things and I know it and still don't write stuff down, I never remember thank you notes, I'm opinionated and confrontational, I overcook chicken, I don't read my Bible as much as I should. I don't read enough to my kids, I let them watch too much TV, they sometimes go out without jackets in the cold, I don't spank them enough, I yell. There's a little voice that whispers all these things in my ear until they are all jumbled around and my head is about to explode.

I have this one friend. She can sew clothes for her kids, make their birthday card invitations by hand, bake and decorate cakes like a professional. Meanwhile, dinner is cooked perfectly every night and the laundry is done and her house is spotless.

I have another friend. She is always sweet and kind and thinks of others. She ALWAYS says the right thing exactly when I need to hear it. When other people talk about goodness and love and sweetness, her name inevitably comes up. She's like a Disney Princess...when she whistles, you imagine birds and deer coming to her side.

The reality may be that friend #1 has laundry and old food containers shoved under all the beds in her house. And friend #2 may say the dumbest things to her husband when nobody is around to hear. In my mind, it doesn't matter. The reality to me is that sometimes I'm not good enough, not strong enough, not spiritual enough, not smart enough, not submissive enough, etc. etc. etc.

What I learning though is that it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if I feel perfect or if anyone else makes me feel perfect. God loved me enough to create me. Psalm 139:13-14 says "For you formed my inward parts, you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made."

It doesn't matter if I feel useless. Look at the book of Jonah - God used a storm, a whale, a rebellious man, a plant, a worm. He can certainly use me, whether for big things or small, to do any good work (Philippians 2:13). He has plans for me (Jeremiah 29:11). God loves me so much that nothing I do or say can ever separate us (Romans 8:35-39).

This isn't to say that I shouldn't try to improve myself. God doesn't want us to sit idle and useless. But what I'm learning to remember is that God rejoices over us (Zephaniah 3:17 The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you with his love; he will exult over you with loud singing). I'm learning to remember that when I was even worse than I am now, Jesus loved me enough to die for me (Romans 5:8 but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us).

See, the REAL reality is that when Jesus breathed His last breath on the cross and said "It is finished", He wasn't thinking about all the things that I am not. He was thinking about all the things that I am.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Got Medication?

I had an interesting conversation with a friend the other day. She's been going through some seriously tough stuff and her therapist suggested antidepressants. She is hesitating to take them and asked me if I felt guilty about being medicated. At first I didn't understand, but then realized after some more talking that she was referring to being a Christian who takes meds.
The thought had never even occurred to me...feel guilty about being a medicated Christian? Why, no! See, I've been around people with mental illness most of my life. I've had dark, dark periods myself when I felt like I couldn't go on. After some extremely disturbing behavior while pregnant with Peanut, when it was suggested that I take Zoloft, I never even hesitated.
So I got to thinking about what my friend was struggling with, and decided to do some research to help her out. Try Googling "Christians on antidepressants". You'll get a boatload of a wide range of opinions. It shocked me to find that there are many people out there who find medication for depression/anxiety/etc. to be a sign of weakness in our faith.
For myself, I can only say this. My faith in God never wavered....even at my lowest. I never thought He couldn't heal me. I never stopped believing that He could just remove my illness at will. I prayed for it, just as Paul prayed for God to remove the thorn (2 Cor 12). He didn't heal me, but I do believe He gave me researchers and doctors who were able to develop something to help. There are many instances of medications being used in the bible (Luke 10:30-43, 1 Timothy 5:23, Isaiah 38:21). I guess the whole thing boils down to whether or not you think brain meds are the same as other medications. 
The fact is, I refuse to have my family suffer because I am suffering. Without meds, my children and husband wouldn't be treated the way they should be. I wouldn't be able to function on a daily basis. I would still have those thoughts of driving into a brick wall just to end it all. But my God gave me a brain to use and free will to make decisions. As long as I can find nothing in the Bible that states otherwise, I will continue to be medicated. For my own good, and the good of my family. 
Jesus said in Matthew 9 "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice' ". People take medications for all kinds of things. Diabetics take insulin for their entire lives. We don't question their faith or accuse them of using a crutch. God promises that He will give us a way to endure temptation (1 Cor 10:13), so why not illness as well? The drugs don't fix everything in your life....the don't even really help you deal with the problems of daily life. They just help you not drive into that brick wall while trying to work them out. You still have to work out those problems - with prayer and daily reading of The Word and the support of those around you. 

In the end, medications for mental illness cannot make you have faith. You still have to choose between belief and doubt; death and life; faith and fear.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

To forgive or not to forgive?

We all already know the rule. Forgive others as God forgave you.

So why does it seem so hard sometimes for me to forgive? I have forgiven and been forgiven some of the worst things that can be done to a person. I'm not saying those things were easy to forgive and sometimes it took years of the Lord working in me for it to happen. Unfortunately, there are certain times when I find it harder to forgive, and sometimes it has to do with things that really aren't that big a deal in the big scheme of things. I've been trying to figure out why this happens. Is it the thing itself? The person who did the thing? My relationship with them? What reason is it that my heart is so hard sometimes?

I think I've started to realize it comes from my expectations. I expect more from some people than others. I expect more from my closest friends, my family, my husband, my kids, other Christians. But why should I expect more from them? They are human, just like the rest of the world. I know this in my head, and yet in my heart I will continue to hold onto things until there is such bitterness that I can't even stand talking to the person.

And in that bitterness, I realize there is more than one reason God calls us to forgive others. Not only because God forgave us (Colassians 3:13 Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.), but also because unforgiveness eats you up inside. Lewis B. Smedes wrote "When you release the wrongdoer from the wrong, you cut a malignant tumor out of your inner life.You set a prisoner free, but you discover that the real prisoner was yourself."

Who wants to walk around imprisoned by hatred? Not me. So, I must learn how to forgive - the big things, the little things - even the things that I've never received an apology for. It won't be easy, and it may need to be done over and over, on a daily basis. Jesus knew that it wouldn't be easy for us (Matthew 18:21-22), yet He continues to call us to do it. And He promises us that we can do ANYTHING with His help (Philippians 4:13).

Galatians 5:1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

My first rant

So I am joining the fray and starting a blog. I realize that most of what I post may be for my own benefit; to simply be able to express myself and vent about the things that....well, I need to vent about. I'm not quite sure how to start. Do I introduce myself and talk about myself? I know that most people who read this first post will already know me and about me, so I'll forgo that and just get to it.

I spent the first portion of my morning doing my normal thing - getting the kids ready for school, making breakfast, packing lunches. I also spent a portion of my morning in tears. I've never felt more misunderstood in my life. I knew that being a Christian, I would be misunderstood and persecuted. The bible says in 2 Timothy "In fact, everyone who wants to live a Godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted." (NIV) I expected it. I even welcomed it because the bible also tells us that we will be blessed by persecution and driven deeper into God's kingdom (Matthew 5:10 MSG). What I didn't realize is how badly it would hurt. Oh, I don't mind being misunderstood or persecuted by the world and people I do not know. It's when people who I know (people who I assume know my heart) - that it really cuts me down.

I've seen a lot of Facebook and blog posts regarding this election. From both sides, obviously. I've posted a few of them myself. I have no problem with people expressing their beliefs. Those of us that post on social media should expect to see such things. Those of us that post such things should be ready for responses - from those that agree with us and those that don't. The hard part is expressing your beliefs in such a way that people actually understand what you are saying. I think that on both sides of this, we all fail. Nobody wants to understand what the other side is saying and those of us that beg for open-mindedness are quick to shoot others down and find ourselves being as close-minded as we scream that the other side is. I feel like perhaps I have failed completely, because I find myself wondering how in the world people I have discussions with can think the things they do about me.

So let me clarify a few things. Yes, I am a Christian. That means I believe in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Philippians 2:5-11). That means I believe I am a sinner and that the only way to God is through belief in Jesus (John 14:6). It means I have repented of my sins and am committed to doing what is righteous in God's eyes (Romans 6:17-18, Romans 12:1-2). It means I am to do good to all people (Galatians 6:10) - not as a way to get to God, but because I am so grateful for the goodness and graciousness that God has bestowed upon me (Ephesians 2:8-10). It means that I am to take care of other people - the widow, the orphan, the poor (Philippians 2:4, Proverbs 19:7, Exodus 22:22-24). It means that I should be loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good and self-controlled (Galatians 5:22-23).  It means I am pro-life because God hates the shedding of innocent blood (Proverbs 6:16-17). Let me add here that I was pro-life even as an atheist. It means that I am pro-Israel (Genesis 12:3).

In my own words, here is what is DOESN'T mean. It does not mean I hate those that don't agree with me - I love everyone on this earth simply because God calls me to and because Jesus loved everyone regardless of their sin. It does not mean I hate homosexuals...I don't even care about civil unions. If the bible calls us to stop everyone from every sin, then we have a lot more to worry about than just gay marriage. A lot of Christians may disagree with me here, but it's just not an issue for me. It does not mean I want this country to go backwards...well, at least not in certain ways. I've seen things posted that say I must be a racist and a bigot because I have old fashioned values. Just because I believe that society was better when we had more traditional values, does not mean I am pro-racism or anti-women. I believe women should have the right to work and have a career and make a living if they want and/or need to. I choose not to myself because I believe my best job is at home with my children. It does not mean my husband or I are weak because we choose to fulfill the roles that we believe God made us for. It does not mean I want this country to be at war or that I want capital punishment to be a means by which we handle criminals. It does not mean that I think every person on welfare/food stamps/medicaid is a lazy slob - my family used them when we needed them and it certainly wasn't because my husband (who now works 3 jobs) is lazy. I think those programs are great for what they were intended for, however I have personally known a lot of people who do take advantage of them.

I guess my point in all this is that I may not be the average Christian. I am definitely not the Christian you see portrayed in the media (i.e. Westboro Baptist "Christians" and the like). Not all Christians are haters and abortion clinic bombers. So before you re-post blanket statements about Christians on social media, get to know some of us. Almost every Christian I know is out there doing the things I stated above - they are taking care of the poor, they are giving their time and money and love to those that need help the most. I could make lists of the people I know through church and the work I see them doing on a daily or weekly basis to help other people. They just want to be in control of how they help people and they don't want the government telling them how to do it.

Before you post hateful things or comment on hateful things or "like" hateful things about Christians, think of those you know that are Christians and think about how it might make them feel. Christianity isn't some random idea we've picked's the way we try to live our lives everyday and it's the way we truly believe we will live forever.  I try not to post things that hurt people who don't agree with me, and if I have in the past - I hope I've apologized and deleted those things. I expect more from my friends and family than this. If you're okay with me being in tears this morning, then post away....but don't talk to me about love and tolerance when you are being hateful and judgmental to those that are closest to you.

I know I will be persecuted. I know that I open myself up to it on social media when I log onto the computer each day. Shall I delete those people that post hateful things or those that don't agree with me? No, for we are to be a light to the world (Matthew 5:14-16), we are to have a gentle answer about our belief in Jesus (1 Peter 3:15), we are to be a witness to the saving power of Jesus Christ (2 Timothy 2:15-16), and we are to go into the world and tell others about Him (Matthew 16:15).

So, no - I will not wrap myself in a cocoon and hide from those that don't agree with me. I will spend mornings crying because I am misunderstood by those I love....because I love them so much that I cannot back away until they know the love of Christ as I do. I will humble myself so that they see Christ in my actions.

And I will rely on the Lord as my strength because His word tells me that His power is made perfect in my weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9-10).

Lamentations 3:19-24 I remember my affliction and my wandering, the bitterness and gall. I remember them well and my soul is downcast within me. Yet I call this to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed. For His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, "The Lord is my portion ; therefore I will wait for Him."